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La Vie
   En Rose

When your love and trust turn into a sword stabs against you,

you really hate yourself that you wish to bleed to death now,

Would life be forever blight, or

Would you ever catch a ray of shimmering positive light?

Would life be forever dark, or

Would you ever see La Vie en Rose?







​婉 Wanxi

I put much effort in learning and facing myself

I thought to learn more and finding true friends

Having the courage to expose and discuss them is crucial

But it is like standing on tiptoes on the edge of an abyssal 

But I ended up covered in bruises

And I could not understand myself

I am a weird mixture of characteristics in extreme ends

I only got more lost in who I am

And I doubt if I should ever try to learn myself

But I might have learned more about the world by facing myself

Though the world only wants to

Scatter me into pieces

Burn me into ashes


Being wiser or more foolish

Would both be better.

Wiser ones know what to think, take, or give up,

Or would figure things out, and find solutions.

More foolish ones would not concern about them,

Just live.

So I am the one supposed to suffer, 

I am the most foolish one thus.

The world has no place for me.

I am a fool.

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